Popular American Mythologist, Writer and Teacher (Sarah Lawrence
College, New York) |
Philosophy of Life: "Follow your Bliss!"
Devotee of Jungian Psychology -
Particularly Jung's Theory of Archetypes
Most Important Idea - All myths and epics are linked in
that they are cultural manifestations of the universal need of the human
psyche to explain social, cosmological, and spiritual realities
Great Monomyth - The Hero's Journey (17 Stages)
Departure - 5 Stages (Call
to Adventure, Refusal of the Call, Supernatural Aid, Crossing First
Threshold, Belly of The Whale) |
Initiation - 6 Stages (Road
of Trials, Meeting
With the Goddess, Woman as Temptress, Atonement with the Father,
Apotheosis, Ultimate
Boon) |
Return - 6 Stages (Refusal
of the Return, Magic Flight, Rescue from Without, Crossing of the Return
Threshold, Master of Two Worlds, Freedom to Live)
Most Important Book: The Hero with a Thousand
Faces (1949) |