Introduction to Mythology


Native American Myths

White Buffalo Calf Woman - Mary Selfridge

Stone Carving - Quetzalcoatl


Hopi Creation Myths - American Southwest

Myth of White Buffalo Calf Woman - Northern Plains (Sioux)

Quetzalcoatl Myths - Mesoamerica

Viracocha Myths - Peru


Home Myths Legends Folktales Fairytales Fables Oral Transmission Textual Transmission Storytellers Plato Euhemerus Max Müller E. B. Tylor James Frazer Sigmund Freud G. I. Gurdjieff Giorgio de Santillana Carl Jung Evans-Wentz Joseph Campbell Marija Gimbutas Vladimir Propp Claude Lévi-Strauss Walter Burkert Bronze Age Persia and India Ancient Europe Africa and Australia Native American Modern Myths